[NCC] Pennsylvania QSO Party This Weekend
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 12:53:19 EDT
Here's a note from NCC member, K8MR. Get on and make some noise in the PaQP.
Rumor has it that Ohio NCC'ers N3RA and ND8L will also be active from "east
of the border."
Ron, K8NZ
In a message dated 10/11/02 8:36:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Jimk8mr@aol.com
> The Pennsylvania QSO Party is this weekend, October 12 & 13. It runs from
> Saturday noon to Sunday 1 am (EDT) and again from 9 am to 6 pm (EDT) on
> Sunday.
> The exchange is QSO Number and County (PA) or ARRL Section (non-PA).
> Multipliers are one time only. There is no out of state club competition
> for
> this one.
> The Pennsylvania guys get a tremendous turnout for PaQP, including a lot of
> people who probably do not consider themselves to be contesters. See how
> they do it, and give the guys even more activity to get excited about.
> Also,
> quite a few of the serious PaQP guys have been big supporters of OQP and
> MQP.
> Help them out.
> Further plug: W8DRZ & I will be out mobile in Pennsylvania. It will be
> just
> Saturday, but we plan to hit about 25 counties in western and central PA.
> For
> the guys who go mobile in OQP or MQP, we'll give you a chance to hear what
> you sound like from the road. Hope you'll look for us and work us often,
> but
> don't work only us.
> Also Hal, W1NN, who has been a major participant in both OQP and MQP ,will
> be
> out both days, using his "other call" of W3USA/m from the eastern part of
> the
> state.
> 73 & CU on Saturday!
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