[NCC] WEB page update and call to contest !

DAN KOVATCH w8car@buckeye-express.com
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 18:37:33 -0400

Greetings fellow NCCers,

I trust you had a great summer and all your antennas are tuned and 
ready. The contest session is drawing close with the running of the CQWW 
SSB section of the WW contests. Let me know your plans and we will be 
placing them on the web site. The web page is slowly being updated by 
your 'web guru' who has finally taken a break from his rigorous 
retirement regimen of travel, wine, women and song to get back into the 
chair. A always any suggestions or corrections are greatly appreciated.
Don't forget the net this Wed on 3815 @ 0000z per the big Khuna - K8NZ

73 and CU on the pileups!

Dan Kovatch
en81 Erie County OH