Scott Jones Scott.Jones@Dobson.net
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 07:08:24 -0600

N3RA	160	0	0	0		
	80	4	2	4		
	40	9	7	8		
	20	18	9	15		
	15	27	11	17		
	10	88	12	41		
	TOT	146	41	85	47,502	

Missed being at K3LR's usual MM.  IC-765, 80m dipole with open wire at 30'
and bout 2 hours.  Had no problem working guys on 10... even had 2 or 3
people say big sig.  It makes me laugh.  Did manage a couple of EU on 40 at
2330 on Sunday.  It makes me wonder what I could have done had I spent more
time.  :-)

Hope to see you on all on the NCC net next time.  Look forward to hearing
some good stories about this past weekend.