[NCC] One less QRM Generator, Take 2
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:40:12 EDT
We'll try that one again. Will there be a trailer on site for K1AR & et al.
to operate the DX contests during construction?
>From the VHF Contesting Reflector:
For several years the K1TR 903.064 beacon has resided in K1EA's
garage, with the antenna on his 120' tower. Ken (K1EA) and his wife
are about to tear down their existing home and garage to build anew.
Hence the beacon transmitter was removed last Thursday.
The new house will be completed in 12-18 months. I hope to
have it back at K1EA before then, but the date is TBD.
Should have the new companion 1296.300 beacon installed there
at about the same time.
If anyone has a good interim site, please drop me a line.
73, Ed K1TR
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