[NCC] Ohio QSO Party - New Awards for 2003 !
Jimk8mr at aol.com
Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Aug 20 17:34:22 EDT 2003
It's now less than 3 days to the 2003 Ohio QSO Party. Already one of the top
state QSO parties around, we're working to make it even better this year.
2003 is Ohio's Bicentennial, and the OQP is the prime on the air celebration of
that anniversary.
We're awarding additional plaques this year. We've now have plaques for:
Top Out of State Single Op - High, Low, and QRP Power
Top YL - Out of State
Top YL - In Ohio
As well as the previous plaques for top Ohio in:
Single Op - High, Low, and QRP Power
Multi-Operator (Multi-Multi)
A number of QSO parties offer prizes connected to something that state is
known for. California gives out wine, Washington salmon. Florida, I believe,
Geritol :-). Ohio is known for - - - the Dayton Hamvention!
In honor of Ohio's 200th birthday, we will be giving a 2004 Hamvention ticket
to five out of state OQP entrants drawn from a pool of those who make at
least 200 valid QSOs in the 2003 OQP. For reference, last year there were exactly
five who beat that number! And all five were in the low power category!
Not wanting to limit the fun to serious participants, we are also awarding a
Hamvention ticket to another five entrants drawn from a pool of those making
at least 88 valid QSOs. Why 88? In honor of the 88 counties in Ohio. Those
88 QSOs do not have to be in all 88 counties - just 88 valid QSOs. And Ohio
stations with 88 valid QSOs will be eligible for this drawing.
Whether you are seriously competing for an award or not, you'll want to join
us in a quick 12 hour contest featuring lots of in state activity and a great
crew of mobile ops covering the entire state.
Full OQP details at www.mrrc.net/oqp
See you Saturday, August 23, from noon to midnight EDT!
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