Lee, Thomas J. tlee at TAFTLAW.com
Wed Feb 19 09:29:02 EST 2003

In my 3830 post, I left out of the operator list the guy who, by far, made most of the QSO's -- K8MR.  My sincere apologies to Jim, who pitched in many extra hours after we discovered that K8NZ had to be out of town and after W8CAR succumbed to the flu on Saturday morning.  If Jim hadn't been there, K8AZ would not have been on the air much if at all.
Sorry Jim.
Tom, K8AZ
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimk8mr at aol.com [mailto:Jimk8mr at aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 8:45 AM
To: Lee, Thomas J.
Subject: Re: [NCC] FW: ARRLDX CW K8AZ M/S HP

In a message dated 2/18/03 9:36:29 PM Pacific Standard Time, tlee at taftlaw.com writes:

    Call: K8AZ
    Operator(s): K8AZ, K8BL, K8PP, N8PW, N8TR, W8BIN, W8CAR, W8GN, W8KIC, WB8K, WT8C

Does that include my QSOs?   :-)

73  -  Jim 

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