[NCC] W8CAR NAQP results

Dan Kovatch w8car@buckeye-express.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 07:52:40 -0500

                     2003 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY
     Call used: W8CAR                                          Location: =
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW               Power: =
     Callsign of Operator(s): W8CAR                                      =
     Exchanged Information: W8CAR DAN OH =20
     Hours of Operation: 09:58
     band      QSOs      points    mults
     160         93          93      33
      80        157         157      42
      40        124         124      45
      20        161         161      45
      15        102         102      31
      10         65          65      25
     TOTAL      702         702     221      SCORE: 155,142
     Club or Team Name: North Coast Contesters   Team #1  =20
     Comments:  This was a blast=20
1) The TS850 is a great second radio and using it and the MP earned =
early SO2R QSOs.
2) The MP developed low output on the high bands after about one hour of =
3) Missed an hour troubleshooting-no joy-hello, Yaesu service?.
4) The 850 is an admirable run radio also :)
5) Losing the hour early and taking a break to eat wings and poppers =
with the wife (the joys of single op!) was actually a good idea as my =
best rates were in the last hours of the test -the 10 Q meter went to =
173 on 160!
6) Found out you can wrk people using a 160 L on 80 if you forget to =
switch antennas  =20
7) Heard lots of NCC and MRRC guys. Seems like half my Qs on 160 were =
with TN? Sometin in the air down there?
9) Had horrible noise at times on 10 and 15-copied W8VE as Joyce (sorry =
10) I think this was my best rate and totals in this contest ever-it was =
fun, fun,fun-as long as I didn't look to my left at the sick MP. =20
73 Dan W8CAR

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