John's Travel and Cruises jgetz at pgh.net
Sun Nov 2 22:31:01 EST 2003

                         2003 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES

     Call used: AD8J                                          Location: WPA

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW               Power: Low

     Callsign of Operator(s):

     Exchanged Information: nr A AD8J 63 WPA

     Hours of Operation: 13:45

     band      QSOs     points
     160          0          0
      80         59       118
      40       209       418
      20        78        156
      15      125        250
      10          2           4
 TOTAL   473       946   X   76 multipliers  =  71,896

     Club or Team Name:  North Coast Contesters

     Comments:  Loved it when the bands went dead.  Went out
                        and worked on the leaves!

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