[NCC] Pa QSO Party - This Weekend

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Oct 8 17:51:57 EDT 2003

A reminder that this weekend, October 11-12, is the Pennsylvania QSO Party.  
I for one will be out driving around PA for both days, so will eagerly be 
looking for QSOs with other NCCers.  We plan to visit 30 or so counties, including 
several stops where we will set up a dipole in an effort to get a real signal 
on 40 SSB.  (Those qsos with fixed antennas will be a rover entry, separate 
from the mobile entry.  However, we only get to work once per county/band/mode, 
whether mobile or rover.)

I suspect a lot of the PA side guys will also be on, likewise looking for 
every QSO they can make.

There is also a club competition (PA entries only).  Last year NCC came in 
6th out of about 30 clubs, with only 4 entries.  (The winner was some EPA club 
with the initials "F-R-C").  

PaQP runs from noon to 1am Saturday, and 9 am to 6 pm Sunday, EDT.  I hope 
you all will get on for at least a short time to pass out some qsos during the 
weekend.  See you!

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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