[NCC] Net meets Thursday

John's Travel and Cruises jgetz at pgh.net
Wed Oct 22 16:05:34 EDT 2003

Before advertising this on E-Bay, I first want to offer this to the local

Rotating tower for sale:

This is from the estate of W3OO (SK)

To the best of our knowledge, this tower is a:

Self supporting HDX-572MDPL with a maximum height of 72' and a minimum
nested height of 22' 8." This tower consists of 4 sections, the top one
being 15" and the bottom section is 25 5/8". In addition to having a motor
for up and down, there is a separate motor that rotates the whole tower.
This tower was kept well painted, however there is a bit of rust starting to
show. The price is $1,500. I will assist with the removal but you will
probably need a tilt bed truck with a winch to transport it. The tower is
located in Allison Park, PA (North of Pittsburgh). I have a picture that I
can e-mail to anyone that is interested.

John Getz, AD8J


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