[NCC] CQ NCC Lunch (fwd)

rmtonsi at comcast.net rmtonsi at comcast.net
Tue Sep 2 19:58:04 EDT 2003

Ron and Group,
Count me in for lunch.  I assume that Ron and I and others will drive together 
like we have done in the past.
Let me know time and place.
Reno, WT8C

----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
From:    Barney Scholl <scholl at scholl.org>
To:      ncc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [NCC] CQ NCC Lunch
Date:    Tue, 02 Sep 2003 10:09:02 -0400

Ron, for my 2cents worth. If it were down this direction I would try to 
make it. I say try because I know next week is a busy week but the time is 
open now. Barney

At 12:24 PM 9/1/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Hola to all,
>W8CAR and I are discussing another "Harp Run" type of luncheon gathering of
>the NCC on Sept. 9th.  We are considering an alternate QTH if there is 
>from any of our Youngstown or Canton area Brothers, otherwise we will return
>to The Harp on Cleveland's near West Side.
>For those of you that missed our July event, it was a great time attended by
>vast multitudes (think there were nine of us).  September 9th would be a 
>time to talk about your OQP/Sprint adventures and discuss CQWW plans.
>Let us know your pleasure.
>Ron, K8NZ
>NCC mailing list
>NCC at contesting.com

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