[NCC] Harp run Tuesday the 13th

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Apr 7 21:00:23 EDT 2004

Count me out, as I'm still in the working class.

However, add to the topics to be discussed, "Activity in the Michigan QSO 
Party This Saturday".  (By "This Saturday", I'm referencing to the Harp Run date, 
e.g. Saturday, April 17).

I'll will be driving around the northern lower peninsula, looking for any and 
all qsos with NCC members.  Please get on, work me, and as many other MI 
stations as you can!

Appropriate rounds will be considered for those who actually get on and work 
me lots of times.

Anybody else going to take a CAR ride around the state for MQP?  Lots of good 
counties still available.  A good fun day of radio available.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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