[NCC] Third or Fourth tri-annual NCC luncheon on tap!!!

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Thu Aug 19 10:40:54 EDT 2004

NCC lunch at the Harp next Thursday the 26th at noon!!!!!!

Greetings guys and gals,

It is that time of year when the air begins to grow crisp (okay, the calendar says August but the wx says September or early October-ask my tomato plants!) and thoughts turn to contests, final antenna preparations and how to afford that new IC-7800 or Orion (kids don't really need college do they?)

It is also the time when NCC has a tradition started by K8NZ and W8CAR called the "Harp Run" . We have used the Ouija board and the results of the Great Lakes QSO party to choose next Thursday, August 26 to meet at the Harp in beautiful West Cleveland for lunch at approximately noonish. If you can make it let me know, if you can't because you have to work-we will expect you to ditch work and show up. Attendance is strictly mandatorially voluntary!

This is a good time to collect thoughts about the upcoming contest season to extend the recent success of the club. It is also a good time to tell lies and be bored to death by a million pictures of W8CAR's tower project. If you can make it let me know.

Hope everyone has had a great summer and is ready for the upcoming contest season.

NCC prez and self appointed moral officer 

PS Rumors that K8NZ is becoming a Floridian are currently being investigated. Evidence is being gathered and Bubba and friends are ready to do a 'cw hustler finger realignment' if the rumors are true!

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