[NCC] Ohio QSO Party - This Saturday!

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Aug 23 15:58:43 EDT 2004

Up next in the world of contests is the Ohio QSO Party, this Saturday  August 
28, from noon to midnight EDT / 1600z to 0400z (Aug 29).
Quick Start Info:
80 - 10 meters     CW - up 45  khz     SSB - 3850, 7225, 14250, 21300,  28450
Exchange: QSO Number/QTH
Multipliers for each mode
Lots of awards, including plaques to top single op YLs both  inside and 
outside Ohio, and the top DX station (outside W/VE).
Full OQP info is at:      _www.oqp.us_ (http://www.oqp.us) 
Mobile activity is what makes contests such as this, and we'll have  plenty.  
So far 8 mobile/rovers have listed plans, and several more are  known to be 
in the final planning stages.
See you Saturday!
73  -  Jim  K8MR
OQP Chairman

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