[NCC] ARRL 160 Contest

N8AA john_n8aa at ameritech.net
Tue Dec 7 14:21:59 EST 2004

Fun contest.  Operated the first two hours with low power and terrible intermittent noise.  Shut down after two hours with about 130 Qs, mostly S&P.  Checked back at 10pm and discovered the severe intermittent noise was absent.  So I got back into the fray, but with high power.  Operated about 15 hours total:  837 Qs, 8 countries, 77 sections (missed NL, NT,  and AK).  Only DX outside of the Caribbean were G3SDX, SO2R, and a YV5.  Score 145,350.

Have several noises.  One sounds like ignition noise.  Comes on for 75 seconds and goes off for about 7 mins.  Only hear it on 160.  Any ideas?

Nice job Bob, Dan and Roger. 

CU   on ten this weekend!


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