[NCC] NCC updates and stuff

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Mon Oct 4 12:45:18 EDT 2004

Greetings to all;

Contest season is soon to be upon us and I've jumped into a few (CQP and (shudder) the CQWWRTTY test to get the juices flowing and check equipment that lay dormant for most of the summer. A few comments.

WEB PAGE: I must apologize for not updating it. I did have a hard drive crash and have not been able to recover any files. (interestingly, the drive failed in my newest Dell (dude!) computer and I learned what fun it is to reload everything on a new drive) The good news is I still have good drives in my shack 'puter. I am SLOWLY learning Front Page and once the wx changes over to 'you can't be out here' I'll begin to redo things completely. If anyone has any suggestions I would like to hear them.
Several have sent new e-mail and updates but I haven't changed those yet.

CQWW is coming up soon and what say about plans? I will probably be @ K8AZ again. Plans here  this year call for an all out assault on CWSS and CQ160 with some minor attempt at the 10 meter contest.

RUMORS and Truths:K8NZ is not really moving to FL just yet but does have designs on staying there in the bad wx months-we are all jealous. The 40 meter Hygain DP that Ron donated to the W8CAR antenna farm is just about half way refurbished. Does anyone have a Hy-Gain boom to mast bracket? I need one. Pete N8TR is redoing his KT34XAs. Others antenna or station upgrades?

Let's create some chatter on the reflector!


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