[NCC] K8MR/R VHF QSO Party Rover Trip

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 21:41:39 EDT 2004

Hal, W1NN, (who now lives in Akron), and I are heading out this  weekend for 
a semi-serious rover effort in the September VHF QSO Party. I've  added 
horizontal loops (PAR) for 6 and 2, and a PAR stressed Moxon for  six.  We'll have 
6, 2, 222, 432, and 1296 (yet to be   tested).

Route plans, subject to change:


High  Hill, OH, EM99cv
Flint Ridge State Park, OH  EM89ux
Frazeysburg,  OH   EN80wc
Drive north through EN90 & EN91

Deposit W1NN  at AC8E for the CW Sprint.

Depending on time &  energy, may drive west to EN81

Back to Cleveland for rest &  recharge. Maybe a bit of the Sprint.


Drive to Butler,  PA  Hamfest. (FN00au). Operate from there, among  more 
normal  hamfest activities.

Back to northeast EN90, drive through EN91 to  FN01.  Head north  through 
western FN01, stopping at appropriate  high spot(s) we find.

Wesleyville, PA  FN02

Fairview,  PA  EN92wa

EN91 back to Cleveland.

For the unititiated to VHF folk out there with VHF multimodes, the main  
frequencies are 50.125 and up (to maybe 50.200), 144.200 +/- 35 KHz or so, and  
432.100.  Most 432 stuff happens by qsying from 6 or 2.

Hope we can work lots of NCCers from out on the road!  Maybe even see  some 
of you at Butler.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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