[NCC] K8AZ Sprint score

John S. Comella john_n8aa at ameritech.net
Wed Feb 16 12:41:48 EST 2005

Here's my score from Tom's super station (the station
was super, but the op wasn't too hot!): 281  X 40 =

Mults were way down.  Heard VE5SF, and MS, but missed
them both.

Congrats to both Tims on their personal best QSO
totals.  Nice to work Phil, K3UA, the first time, I
think, in a Sprint.

N3SD, glad to have you on the team.  Hope to see you
in September!

Ron, I was looking for you.  Had the TUPs aimed in
your direction and CQed that way but no go.  Good luck
at N4WW this weekend.  We're going to miss you at


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