[NCC] VHF Rover Help Wanted

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Jun 7 22:00:41 EDT 2005

With my regular driving contest buddy tied up this weekend, as well as my  
last trainee from the September 2004 VHF QSO Party also unavailable, would  
anyone out there like to do some roving this weekend in the ARRL VHF QSO  Party?
This is not a world class operation, but it can be fun if the bands and  
weather cooperate a bit.
A single day on the road is possible, maybe  even preferred. 
Flexible schedule, no previous VHF experience required, will train.   
Equipment provided. Will cancel in case of truly bad weather (though the  forecasts 
don't seem to indicate such as of this time.)
Inquire to K8MR.
73  -  Jim  K8MR

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