[NCC] arrl ph tst

Jon Kovacs jkovacs at neo.rr.com
Mon Mar 7 19:14:16 EST 2005

Not the best contest weekend for k8ly, but heard lots of my friends on the bands.   It still blows me away that everything can work just great until the evening before the contest!!!    My MFJ voice keyer decided to take a crap on me with an intermittent problem, then my CT 9 program hung up, add my top stack rotor decided it wanted to stay locked on the west direction, and to really put a black cloud on the whole weekend  -  enter the GRANDKIDS!!!!!!!!!....   After hearing me yelling in the radio room, they decided to stay away from grandpa.  My wife told me that they said that I must really be mad at my radio as I have been yelling at it all day!!!!!    Only kids would say that..

All in all, It was good time.  Condx sort of sucked on 10 from Howland, Ohio.   I have finally convinced myself that in order to get a good score I have to drop my hunt and pounce and have the dx come to me.   I have done the hunt and pounce strategy for years and it surly hasn't payed off for me at all...   Just once I'd like to kick some butt...

Hope everyone did well

Great score K3LR and the gang..

Jon k8ly

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 2005


      Call:      K8LY

      Category:  Single Op

      Power:     Low Power 

      Band:      All Band

      Mode:      SSB 

      Section:   OHIO




      160        0        0   0.0        0

       80        0        0   0.0        0

       40       24       72   3.0       19

       20      125      375   3.0       62

       15      157      471   3.0       68

       10        0        0   0.0        0



     Totals    306      918   3.0      149  =   136,782


 All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.


Equipment Description:    Yaesu FT1000 MP MARK V FIELD,





Club Affiliation: Northcoast contest


This is to certify that in this contest I have operated

my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have

observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.



                             Signature _________________________________





               Jon kovacs  K8LY

               7831 castle rock ne

               warren, OH 44484


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