[NCC] Dayton Hamvention Antenna Forum 2005 at the Crowne Plaza

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon May 16 14:28:02 EDT 2005

***** Please note that the Antenna and Contest forums are DOWNTOWN this
year *****

This is my 25th year as Moderator of the Dayton Hamvention Antenna
Thanks to over 50 different speakers that accepted my invitations over
the years.

I am dedicating the 2005 Antenna forum to Rush Drake, W7RM who recently
became a
silent key. I attended my first Dayton Antenna forum when I was
16 years old. Rush was the moderator and only speaker.
When I was 20 years old, I became moderator of this event.
Rush continues to inspire me and many others to be safe, learn, give
and have fun with our great radio hobby.

2005 Dayton Hamvention Antenna Technology Forum

Tim Duffy, K3LR Moderator

12 Noon until 2:30 PM on Saturday, May 21 2005

Crowne Plaza Dayton
Van Cleve Ballroom
33 East Fifth Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402

"A Look Into Computer Modeled Tower Engineering"
John Corini, KE1IH

"Ground Parameters for Amateur Radio Stations"
Rudy Severns, N6LF

"A New Feed System For Antenna Arrays"
John Devoldere, ON4UN
Robye Lahlum, W1MK
Roger Vermet, ON6WU

"Strategies Using Propagation Predictions for DXing and Contesting"
Dean Straw, N6BV

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