[NCC] 4-sale

John Schaffner k8ln at neo.rr.com
Wed Aug 23 11:33:42 EDT 2006


The TH7DXX is down and the SkyHawk is up.  I'm TRAPLESS! 

Same problem as before, the TH7 had nesting critters in the plastic end caps on the traps. Along came the rain and the SWR drifted. Took them 5 years to nest this time. You can see a pix of it at 

http://w8lky.org/club_member_k8ln_antenna_repair.htm        This is a older pix.  Blew them out and the SWR was as the manual stated.

I have taken the traps apart and blew them out. The TH7 needs new bolts on the boom to mast plate and a mast clam for the boom support.  The balun was changed to the BN-4000 (high power).  I have the manual.



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