[NCC] January 7 open house

Lee, Thomas J. tlee at TAFTLAW.com
Wed Jan 4 23:52:07 EST 2006

Just an additional reminder: 
The annual K8AZ/K8MR open houses will be this Saturday, January 7.  Things at K8AZ will get underway sometime after 3 pm.  Things will start at K8MR's after 7 pm.  
Several notes regarding festivities at 'AZ:

*	As in 2005, there will be a "give away" table.  However, to make things fair, it will remain under wraps until arond 5 pm, so as not to give an advantage to early arrivals.
*	I'll likely have a small "flea market" table with a few things to sell & no haggle (rock bottom) pricing.  (Most of the stuff will be remenants of the W8GN estate.)  All are welcome to add to the table
*	K3LR still plans to stop by (although his travel schedule is tight.)  He also plans to bring an IC7800 for the group to evaluate.
*	As is tradition, snacks & beverages will be provided, along with the annual 6 pm pizza run
*	Please park in the driveway.  Since most folks will leave at the same time, do not heasitate to "park in" cars in the driveway.  The street is narrow, and if there is snow, it tends to get tough on my neighbors.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.


Tom, K8AZ

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