Tim Duffy K3LR
k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Jul 6 22:51:48 EDT 2006
World Radiosport Team Championship - 2006.
The Event, the Contest
and YOU that participate in the IARU Contest
Participants in the IARU Contest, please read further down about
the exciting additional prizes available for you, just beam for
the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil and work the WRTC 2006
stations with the prefixes PT5 and PW5.
The Event
The world's top contesters together with their Referees, Hosts
and other visitors will be spending a week at the beautiful
Resort Costao do Santinho, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The event will take place 05 - 10 July 2006 with DX, Contest and
other Cultural lectures as well as entertainment and a surprise
event at the end.
The Contest
During the IARU Contest, 47 WRTC 2006 Teams (2 operators/team)
will operate from stations with equal antennas and power-limit. A
list of all participants and the Referees is available at
www.wrtc2006.com / TEAMS AND REFEREES / Teams and Referees Lists.
The Teams and referees are from 32 countries and all continents
are represented. The WRTC Contest has similar rules as the IARU
Contest and all Log - Checking will be done within 35 hours and
then the results will be available. To help us verify the
WRTC2006 Contesters' logs, we expect that you send us your logs
immediately after the contest - please. And for this you can win
the extra prizes, please read on.
To show the positions of the Teams in the WRTC 2006 Contest, we
will have a live Score Board on the Internet, it will also be
displayed at the WRTC2006 Headquarters. Contest Club Finland
(CCF) has been kind to provide WRTC2006 with this facility. You
can follow the Contest - in real time, refresh each hour - at
Other Activities During the Contest
As part of the event there will be 8 Multi-National Multi-Single
(MN MS) stations that will compete in the IARU contest. These
stations are manned by foreigners and Brazilians to promote
international friendship and share their contest skills.
Description, pictures and participants of the MN MS stations you
find at www.wrtc2006.com / STATIONS / MN MS Stations.
The LABRE HQ stations ZW2HQ will also be active in the IARU
Contest - more multipliers for you.
What You Can Win!
As the WRTC2006 Contest will take place as a part of the IARU
contest, it will give you an opportunity to work many Brazilian
Stations. The results of the WRTC2006 Contest must be ready
within 35 hours after the IARU Contest, we therefore need as many
IARU logs as possible and as soon as possible to verify the logs
of the WRTC2006 Competitors.
All IARU Logs received direct to logs at wrtc2006.com or via
iaruhf at iaru.org until we cut-off the reception of the IARU logs
at the WRTC2006 Headquarters some time late Sunday/ early Monday
(UTC) will participate in a lottery where there are 2 equal
prizes: Each prize will be, free stay, maximum 4 days, for two
(2) persons, it includes accommodation, food and transport to and
from the airport, city tours will also be arranged. Both of the
two persons do not need to be Hams, one can very well be a wife
or girlfriend. The stay will be at one of the contest stations in
southern Brazil, most likely one of the MN MS stations.
All IARU Logs received within 6 hours after the contest (before
09 July 2006, 18:00 UTC) will in addition to participate in the
lottery, also be entitled to receive the following prizes. Note
that the lottery has no minimum requirement of contacted WRTC2006
Class 1: Prize: Plaque, Certificate and T-shirt. Requirement: To
work all 47 WRTC2006 Stations on both modes (CW and SSB)
independently of band.
Class 2: Prize: Certificate and T-Shirt. Requirement: To work all
47 WRTC2006 Stations independently of mode and band.
Class 3: Prize: Certificate. Requirement: To work 25 different
WRTC2006 Stations independently of mode and band.
To make it possible for us to mail you the prizes, please make
sure to include a valid Post Mailing address in your electronic
Cabrillo - log submittal. The logs sent to logs at wrtc2006.com,
shall follow the same requirements as logs sent to
iaruhf at iaru.org. Note that all logs sent to IARU will
automatically be transferred to WRTC2006 but logs sent to
WRTC2006 will not be transferred to IARU. This has been done to
give you the opportunity to send your log immediately to WRTC2006
but have a closer look at it before you send it to IARU.
The following WRTC 2006 stations are included: All calls PT5A -
PT5Z and PW5A - PW5Z. The 8 MN MS stations with other prefixes and the HQ
stations ZW2HQ are not included.
You will automatically participate in the draw and be entitled to
the prizes; the only requirement is that your log is submitted
within the time limits stated above. Your Log will automatically
be checked against the WRTC2006 Logs. Only correct valid contacts
will count.
Avenida Armando C Siqueira, 1040 - Vila Harmonia - Araraquara -
Sao Paulo - Cep.: 14802 580
Fone: (16) 3303 - 1006 / Fax: (16) 3303 - 1005 E-mail:
py5eg at iesa.com.br
Visit our site: http://www.wrtc2006.com
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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