[NCC] Six Meter Alert

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Jul 15 23:33:57 EDT 2006

It's probably too much to hope for to have it repeat, but today six meters  
was incredibly open during the CQ WW VHF contest.  At this point I have 97  
grids on six, including about 15 double hop Es grids.  One of my most  worked 
grids is CN85 (that's the Portland Oregon area).  There was  also some very short 
skip, as close as EN62/63 to the west and FN20 to the  east.
So turn on those six meter radios tomorrow.  The contest runs until  5pm EDT.
73  -  Jim  K8MR
p.s.  I'm still missing EN82 !!!

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