[NCC] Contester Happenings at Dayton 2007

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sun Apr 1 15:35:50 EDT 2007

If you are a contester and you are planning to go to Dayton, here are some
activities you don't want to miss.

Pass this information along to your clubs!

May 16 - Wednesday night - Contest Super Suite at the Crowne Plaza opens for the
first of 4 nights. Hosted by Contest University. Details are here >>

May 17 - Thursday all day - Contest University at the Crowne Plaza. Space is
limited. For more details go to  >>     http://www.contestuniversity.com

May 17 - Thursday night - Contest Super Suite at the Crowne Plaza hosted by The
Mad River Radio Club (MRRC), Frankford Radio Club (FRC) and North Coast
Contesters (NCC) with a midnight pizza party sponsored by K8CC and K3LR

May 18 - Friday - Antenna Forum at HARA Arena Room #1
2:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Moderator: Tim Duffy, K3LR
Dr. David B. Leeson, W6NL-Antenna Secrets from the W6NL/HC8L Notebook
Dr. James Breakall, WA3FET and Tim Duffy, K3LR-The Design, Construction and
Operation of the 28 Element OWA 15 meter Stacked Yagi Array at K3LR
Dr. Ted Rappaport, N9NB-People I Know and The Antennas They Grow
Dean Straw, N6BV-What's New in the 21st Edition of the ARRL Antenna Book

May 18 - Friday night - Contest Super Suite at the Crowne Plaza with a midnight
pizza party sponsored by the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC).

May 19 - Saturday - Contest Forum at HARA Arena Room #1
11:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Moderator: Doug Grant, K1DG
Atilano Oms, PY5EG-WRTC2006 Video
Randy Thompson, K5ZD/PT5Q; John T. Laney III, K4BAI/PW5Y & Charlie Wooten, NF4A
(referee of PT5O)-Memories of the WRTC2006 Experience
Dick Norton, N6AA/PT5K-The 40-Zone Adventures of Phil Goetz, N6ZZ
Champ C. Muangamphun, E21EIC (PS2T in WRTC2006)-Contesting from Thailand & South
East Asia
Tim Duffy, K3LR/PT5G-The K3LR Multi-Multi Station and Video Notebook

May 19 - Saturday evening - 15th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner hosted by North
Coast Contesters at the Crowne Plaza. Space is limited. Details and tickets are
available at http://www.contestdinner.com

May 19 - Saturday night - Contest Super Suite at the Crowne Plaza with a
midnight pizza party sponsored by the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC).

CU in Dayton!
Tim K3LR

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