Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Dec 15 10:51:53 EST 2007

And to celebrate this YEE HAAAAA in person, attend the annual K8AZ and K8MR  
Parties on Saturday, January 5.  I'm sure you serious YEE-HAAAAers all have  
this on your schedule already, but for the rest of you, get it planned before  
your XYL comes up with some other hair-brained idea for you to do that  day.
Festivities begin around 3 pm at K8AZ in Chesterland, and continue on at  
K8MR in Orange Village around 7 pm.
Now just to avoid a blizzard like is being predicted for this  weekend.
Merry Christmas to all, and see you on the 5th!

Jim  K8MR

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