[NCC] K8AZ Open House

Lee, Thomas J. tlee at taftlaw.com
Thu Dec 27 00:12:56 EST 2007

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy New Year to the NCC Warriors!
Please give serious consideration to attending the 21st annual K8AZ Open House in Chesterland on Saturday, January 5, 2008.  The open house was a tradition begun by the legendary Doc Shiller, K8RR/KN8Z/K8RZ/WA8ZDF, who insisted on invading the then-new K8AZ QTH for a look-see, prior to attending the annual MRRC Christmas party at K8MR's.  This is the premier meeting for NCC, and new plans and ideas -- and election of new officers -- all happen at this meeting.  Plus, this meeting is a precursor to the K8MR open house (starting at 7 pm) in Orange Village, about 15 miles south of Chesterland.  
The event will be well attended, with folks from OH, MI, PA and OK already planning to be present.  This is a great gathering of contesters and is a great way to renew friendships with members of both NCC and MRRC, as well as other contester/DXer types.
The open house starts at 3 pm.  Snacks, beverages (adult and otherwise) will be served, and the famous Guido's Pizza will arrive around 6:30.  The MRRC guys start drifting off to K8MR's around 7 pm and the NCC meeting usually begins around 7:15.  We have a few agenda items this year -- plus annual elections -- and any additional topics you wish to raise.  And there are usually a few bonus surprises.  We aim to please.
Dan, W8CAR has updated the NCC website (www.northcoastcontesters.com) with directions.  The address (if you want your own MapQuest) is 7275 Surrey Lane, Chesterland, OH 44026.  RSVPs are unnecessary, although always appreciated.
Hope to see you on January 5.  
Tom, K8AZ

Thomas J. Lee / Attorney
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
200 Public Square, Suite 3500
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2302
Tel: 216.241.2838 . Fax: 216.241.3707
Direct: 216.706.3875 . Cell: 440.823.0820
www.taftlaw.com / tlee at taftlaw.com

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