[NCC] W3USA Pennsylvania QSO Party Report

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Oct 15 20:08:09 EDT 2007

 Pennsylvania QSO Party

Call: W3USA
Operator(s): K8MR, AC8E
Station:  W3USA

Class: Mobile LP
QTH: 15 Counties
Operating Time (hrs):  9

Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  
80:   37   15                  
40:  410     38         
20:  172   17                  
Total:   619     70       Mults = 87   Total Score = 95,979.0

Club: Mad River Radio Club


The score includes the mobile counties bonus but not a  couple of W3P bonus
station qsos.

By County:
LAW    26    5
BUT   57    4
ARM    45    5
INN   41    0
CMB    22    6
BLA   34   10
HUN    30    2
CEN   31    0
CLE    74   14
CRN   43   17
ELK    45    3
JEF   35   10
CLA    52    0
VEN   45    0
MER    33    0

29  counties  57 sections 1 DX 

With the Indians in the baseball  playoffs, I worked both Friday and Saturday
night, to hang out at the TV  transmitter just in case. Tough job to watch
baseball on TV and get paid for  it, but you know, somebody has to do it. I 
not plan to have the Saturday  night game go past 1:30 am, so I only had 
about 4
hours of sleep. Fortunately  driver AC8E did not stay up for the game, so he
arrived rested and on time  Sunday morning.

Conditions were decent if one didn't need to talk to in  state stations on 40
meters. A few months ago I picked up a new 4 resonator  mount for the Hustler,
and with the 10 meter resonator in place it also loads  on six meters. So with
the 20 meter Hamstick in place and 2M FM, I have 12  band modes available. I
tried a couple of calls on 2M and spent a minute  CQing on 28040 cw at the
appointed hour, but nothing there. But it should be  fun in a couple of years.

It was a very nice day to be out touring in  Pennsylvania, although with the
warm autumn and dry summer the leaves have  not yet changed colors. I did not
really miss doing the first day, with the  need for 7 hours of driving after
dark, a relatively short off time between  operating periods, motels to deal
with, the Saturday night RTTY QRM, and the  need to depend on 80 meters for 

Thanks to all who got on to work us and the rest of the deserving. Be sure  
to send in your logs, and include MRRC as the club.  Last year they counted  
both in state and out of state scores toward the club totals, so with in state  
efforts by AD8J, W3AG, K8RYU, and us, plus some big out of state scores like  
W8MJ's, Mad River can have a very respectable total.

Now to unpack the car until the Michigan QSO Party in April  2008.

73  -  Jim    K8MR

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