Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Oct 28 18:33:48 EST 2007

 CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 7
Band  QSOs  Zones   Countries
160:     4     3         3
80:   16     10       16
40:    47    15       27
20:   91    18        53
15:   97     17       49
10:    82    11        26
Total:  337     74      174  Total Score = 221,960
Club: North Coast Contesters
I spent time picking some of the low hanging DX fruit of the weekend. All  was
search and pounce. Much more time and it would have become painful. Ten  
seemed surprisingly good on Saturday afternoon, which gave me  incentive to go
at the other bands.
See you all on CW from PJ2T.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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