[NCC] Two Meter Sprint - Tonight

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Sep 17 11:27:12 EDT 2007

Tonight (Monday) is the fall 2 meter sprint, from 7 pm to 11 pm EDT. Here's  
a quick chance to check out your two meter station. The Hepburn Tropo Index  
forecast (http://www.dxinfocentre.com) shows some slight tropo enhancement is  
likely for OH and SE Michigan.
73  -  Jim  K8MR
2007 Fall VHF/UHF Sprint Rules:

1. Object: To work as many amateur  stations in as many 2 X 1 degree grid
squares as possible, using authorized  amateur frequencies on the 50, 144,
222, 432 MHz and Microwave (902 MHz and  above) bands during the contest

2. Contest Period:

2.1  The 144 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM to 11 PM local time on Monday,
September  17, 2007.

2.2 The 222 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM to 11 PM local time on  Tuesday,
September 25, 2007.

2.3 The 432 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM  to 11 PM local time on Wednesday,
October 3, 2007.

3. Exchange: Call  signs and Grid-square locator. Signal report optional.

4.  Scoring:

4.1 QSO Points: One point for each complete QSO on 50 through  432 MHz.

4.2 Multiplier: The total number of grid squares worked. Each 2  X 1 degree
grid square worked counts as one multiplier.

4.3 Final  Score: Multiply QSO points by multipliers. Each sprint is  scored

5. Reporting: Logs must be submitted no later than  four weeks of the closing
date of the each event. Only submitted logs are  eligible for awards. Logs
must be in ARRL format (log sheets and summary  sheet as used for ARRL VHF
contests) to be accepted, and must show current  address to be eligible for
awards. Electronic submissions in ARRL acceptable  electronic format may be
mailed on diskette or e-mailed with log file as an  ATTACHMENT only (Not in
the body of e-mail). Subject line of e-mail must  contain "2007 Fall Sprint".
In e-mail addresses below (at) is really an @  sign.

5.1 144 MHz Sprint logs to:

Ott Fiebel W4WSR, PO Box 957, Hayesville, NC 28904
svhfs-beacons  (at) svhfs.org

6. Certificates for top three Single Op finishers in each  sprint and top
three Rovers in each sprint if sufficient Rover competition is  shown.
Certificates to be awarded at the Southeastern VHF Society  banquet.

7. Use of telephone, packet or internet methods to schedule  contacts during
the contest is acceptable. The telephone, packet or internet  channel will
not be used while the contact is in progress. No "OK I am  hearing you now."
over the alternate channel. The alternate channel will not  be available in
any way to the operator during the contact. The complete  exchange of call
signs and grids must be accomplished on the relevant amateur  radio band.

The Fall Sprints are sponsored by the Southeastern VHF  Society. Please visit
www.svhfs.org for any  updates.

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