[NCC] Athens, Ohio help needed for K0DXC/8

R.T.Liddy k8bl at ameritech.net
Mon Aug 4 21:50:39 EDT 2008

I worked Cal recently on 6M and when I checked out his info
  on QRZ.com I was totally impressed!  If we could figure out
  how to light a Ham Radio fire under more young people like
  him, we'd have no worries for the future of our Hobby!!
  Bob K8BL

Tim Duffy K3LR <K3LR at k3lr.com> wrote:
  Cal, K0DXC a very active 13 year old contester and DXer is moving to Athens,
Ohio. His Father just accepted a new job there. 
Cal is the Grandson of Gary, K9MMS.

Cal would like to meet up with some local good guys to help him assemble his
new station later this month. Can anyone help him?

Cal will be operating with the K3LR team during CQWW CW in November.

Check out Cal's awesome television interview


Tim K3LR

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