[NCC] CAC input sought

Tim Duffy K3LR K3LR at k3lr.com
Wed Aug 13 23:36:26 EDT 2008

I received this from W5ASP and it certainly applies to NCC members.


The Great Lakes division rep is Dave, K8CC - k8cc at comcast.net

The Atlantic division rep is Mike, N2MG - N2MG at contesting.com


Your rep would appreciate your comments on the following:


Several interesting issues have recently been given by ARRL to the CAC for
their consideration and advice. Here's a quick summary of where things


1. All of the 16 members of the CAC agreed that the " eight points for CW
QSOs with US Novice or Technician Plus stations signing /N or /T (28.0 to
28.3 MHz only)." provision in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest rules be eliminated.
It simply was no longer needed.


2.  As regards the use of CW Skimmer in the 2008 November Sweepstakes CW
contest the CAC agreed that it be should be permitted in the in the Single
Operator Unlimited and Multioperator categories,  but should NOT be
permitted in the Single Operator High Power, Low Power and QRP categories.
Also the use of CW Skimmer spots generated during off-times should be
treated the same as use of packet spots generated during off-time.  These
recommendations pertain ONLY to the 2008 SS CW.


3. There is currently a discussion of whether or not multi-channel signal
decoders (such as "CW Skimmer" ) be allowed in ARRL contests?

The majority of the CAC seem to agree that this technology should be
allowed.  However the core issue is how, when and/or where is should be
permitted.  It's still an ongoing exchange of ideas, and no formal
recommendation has yet been made to the ARRL.


As the West Gulf representative I welcome your comments ... however please
keep in mind that most of the pros and cons of the Skimmer issue have long
since been presented.  What we need now are innovative ideas as to how best
to bring this tool into contesting in such a way that it is both beneficial
and equitable.


Thanks ...


Joe, W5ASP

West Gulf CAC



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