Scott Jones
n3ra at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 26 10:27:47 EDT 2008
I thought this might be interesting to some of you on here. Pass it along if you want to your local clubs.
The Portage County Amateur Radio Service is spoinsoring a new operating event. The 1st Ohio State parks on the air will be held Saturday September 6th from 1600z until 2400z.
OSPOTA web site
OSPOTA Yahoo group site
>From their web site:
The purpose of OSPOTA is to promote public awareness of ham radio and Ohio's beautiful state parks system; to contribute to the recognition that Ohio has a very diverse and wonderful ecology; and to promote camaraderie within the ranks of Ohio's Amateur Radio operators.
The objective is to have competing stations, individual or club, operating from as many of Ohio's seventy-three state parks as possible. Note: Non-Ohio stations may work only Ohio stations located in an Ohio State Park; Ohio stations not located in an Ohio State Park may only contact stations operating from an Ohio State Park.
73 - Scott, N3RA
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