[NCC] Jan.3 2009 radio parties

Tom Lee tleek8az at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 19:15:05 EST 2008

Just a reminder to NCC'ers -- the annual K8AZ open house will start
beginning at 3 pm this Saturday at my QTH in Chesterland.  (7275 Surrey
Lane; 44026).  Pizza, snacks and beverages will be served, and we'll start
the NCC meeting at 7 pm.  (The MRRC party and K8MR open house starts at 7:30
at Jim's QTH.)  If you need help, call my cell at 440.823.0820.

At the meeting, we will consider the following agenda items:

   - Election of new members
   - Edits/changes to the NCC Bylaws
   - Contest participation
   - Election of new officers

Please let me know if you have anything else to chat about -- or if you have
anyone to propose for membership.  I will try to find a copy of the Bylaws
and circulate it via e-mail later this week.  (Will the reflector allow

One final note:  as most of you know from a previous e-mail, W8KIC became a
silent key on December 8 after a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer.  His
widow, Anne Lindsay, just announced that the memorial service for Val will
be at 11 am on Saturday, January 24, 2009 at Amasa Stone Chapel at CWRU.
Val's passing received mention in the most recent ARRL Contest "Rate Sheet".

73 & hope to see you Saturday,
Tom, K8AZ

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