[NCC] ARRL DX Test turnout

Robert V. Edwards rve2 at case.edu
Sun Feb 3 13:10:26 EST 2008

I have heard form 4 of you so far.  I hope that does not represent a 
prediction for the NCC turnout this year.

I checked through last year's scores and was surprised to note that 
we could probably have won the medium club category with the scores 
from only three stations!  I guess we could all cool it and just bask 
in the reflected glory, but I think we would make a much better 
impression as a club if had 100 % participation from the 
membership.  That will guarantee us a win and, more to the point, 
respect from our competitors.  We may not scare the Frankford  guys, 
but we can certainly give the Society for Midwest contesters 
something to think about.

Don't forget to let me know if you plan to participate.


Robert V. Edwards
Professor of Chemical Engineering
A.W. Smith
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH 44106-7217
216-368-3016  (FAX)

"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." 

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