[NCC] ARRL DX Contest - CW

Lee, Thomas J. tlee at taftlaw.com
Thu Feb 14 21:00:22 EST 2008

Fellow Warriors:

One of the Big Four is almost upon us.  Contest Whip W8KIC has requested commitments from every NCC member to make an effort this weekend in the ARRL CW DX contest.  Val plans to post the commitment from each member who responds, and then tally how we have done after the contest -- hopefully showing larger-than-committed numbers.  Then we will have a better idea what we need to do for the SSB weekend to maintain our leadership in the medium-class club category.

Please send Val an e-mail asap with whatever score you agree to try to achieve.  If you participated last year (Val already sent out those scores) all you need to tell him is "same".  K3LR will be multi-multi and K8AZ will be multi-single, but we need more scores than those two to defend last year's club win.  Believe me, every little bit helps!

Please send Val a note with what you can do (or if you can't be on) at rve2 at po.cwru.edu.  He will follow up with a pre-contest posting.

Thanks, 73 & GL in the contest.

Tom, K8AZ

Thomas J. Lee / Attorney
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
200 Public Square, Suite 3500
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2302
Tel: 216.241.2838 . Fax: 216.241.3707
Direct: 216.706.3875 . Cell: 440.823.0820
www.taftlaw.com / tlee at taftlaw.com

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