[NCC] arrl ssb

Jon Kovacs jkovacs at neo.rr.com
Mon Mar 3 08:08:35 EST 2008


Call: K8LY

Category: Single Operator

Power: Low Power 

Band: All Band

Mode: SSB 

Section: OH


160       0 0      0.0         0

80          23      69         3.0          20

40           3        9          3.0           3

20         192    576        3.0           66

15           74    222         3.0         31

10             0      0           0.0           0


Totals 292      876         3.0            120 = 105,120

16 hours on the band:

Conditions not the best, least at the k8ly Castle Rock Location. Was

doing pretty good till saturday nite when 20 and 15 went dead and I was left

with 40/80. I was confident and looking forward to a chance to work ssb on my 

new dipole that worked excellent on 40/80 during the cw contest. I heard all

kinds of strong signals and was chomping at the bit. 

Tried as I may, couldn't get a soul to come back to me. So at Midnite Saturday

I threw in the towel and went to bed. Coming to the shack Sunday morning with

strong cup of coffee and preparing for another fight on the bands, I reached up

to my antenna switch to go from the dipole back to the tower only to discover to my

embarrasment, that the nite before I had failed to switch from my tower to the dipole, 

thus finding the reason I couldnt work anybody on 40 and 80!!!! DUMB ASS!!!! 

Jon Kovacs K8LY

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