[NCC] Fw: A New Sunspot Emerges

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Mon Sep 22 17:15:59 EDT 2008


Subject: A New Sunspot Emerges

> Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2008
> http://spaceweather.com
> NEW SUNSPOT: For the first time in months, a significant sunspot is 
> emerging on the sun.  It is a fast-growing active region with two dark 
> cores, each larger than Earth.  The magnetic polarity of the sunspot 
> identifies it as a member of new Sunspot Cycle 24.  Because the year 2008 
> has brought so many blank suns, some observers have wondered if we are 
> ever going to climb out of the ongoing deep solar minimum.  Today's new 
> sunspot is an encouraging sign that the 11-year solar cycle is indeed 
> progressing, albeit slowly.   Visit http://spaceweather.com for sunspot 
> photos and updates.
> SEPTEMBER EQUINOX:  Seasons on Earth change much faster than they do on 
> the sun.  Today, autumn begins in the northern hemisphere and spring in 
> the southern hemisphere when the sun crosses the celestial equator.  The 
> crossing, called the "equinox," takes place at 1544 UT (11:44 EDT) on 
> Monday, Sept. 22nd.  Happy equinox!
> Sign up for free Space Weather News bulletins:
> http://spaceweather.com/services/
> You are subscribed to the Space Weather mailing list, a free service of 
> Spaceweather.com.   To unsubscribe click here: 
> http://www.spaceweather2.com/u?id=660916D&n=T&l=spaceweather or send a 
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