[NCC] MRRC Christmas Party & the RTTY Roundup + K8AZ party

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sat Dec 19 12:40:30 PST 2009

Another reminder that the annual K8MR and K8AZ Christmas parties will be  
held on Saturday, January 2. Both of these are a lot of fun, with lots of 
people  showing up from all over (as long as the weather doesn't get really

This is also the weekend of the ARRL RTTY Roundup.  Never mind that  the 
K8MR Christmas Party existed before the RTTY Roundup.  They have tried  to 
take over my weekend!  
Would anyone be interested in bringing along a setup to put on a demo/part  
time multiop effort in the RTTY Roundup?  I have nothing set  up for RTTY, 
but if someone could bring a plug and play system to hook up to my  IC-746 
(or bring your own radio) we could make a try at showing off RTTY to the  
unwashed masses (such as myself). I assume K8MAD could be used if nobody
had a serious interest in the call.
Any RTTY crazies interested?
73   -  Jim   K8MR

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