[NCC] RDXC this weekend

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Mon Mar 16 14:51:19 PDT 2009

Okay, I know it's Spring (sort of), but this is one of my favorite contests. 
I urge all MRRC and NCC members to get on for 24 hours or a few. I REALLY 
like this format and since the next WRTC will be in Russia, I think we all 
should give some effort to show some support for what they are trying to 
accomplish. This contest is the last one that will be used to qualify 
possible team members for the WRTC. If you haven't checked 
http://www.radio-sport.net/ yet, it has all the latest unofficial tallies 
for qualifying and other cool up to the minute contest articles.

I realize this is a departure from the drivel on some of the 'other' 
reflectors where they are still complaining about scoring, dupes, desks, 
assisted, skimmers and water wings while not mentioning anything about 
actual contesting.

Soapbox secured. Turn your beams to UA on Saturday at 1200Z and have some 

73 and CU on the bands
Dan W8CAR 

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