[NCC] [MRRC] Dayton flea market spaces

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Mar 18 16:44:48 PDT 2009

That's all cool, but they are still likely to screw things up.  For  one, 
they note that applications after *MARCH* 13 will be held for pickup at the  flea 
market office.  Either there are very few late applications, or this  is 
another great way to ensure a long wait at setup time.
There is no mention made of what parking might be available at HARA for  flea 
market vendors. I sent them an email a couple of months ago asking this,  
with no response.  I just sent them another one.
And it still bugs me that flea market admission tickets are so valuable  that 
they can't sell more than six to a group like MRRC that takes three  spaces.
Of course after recent years operations there, I suppose there is no way to  
go but up.
73  -  Jim    K8MR
In a message dated 3/18/2009 3:57:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
w8car at buckeye-express.com writes:

I just  found out that if you go the the Dayton website, click on the flea 
market  tab and then click on the 'reserve space online' at the top of that 
page  you get to a map. Rolling around a green space (reserved) shows who  
reserved it. I mailed my stuff about 2 weeks ago and it shows in the  system. 
Looks like someone took the bull by the horns and is doing a great  job.

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