[NCC] NAQP Teams
Hal Offutt
hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Wed Aug 4 08:31:49 PDT 2010
I am planning to operate, so I'll volunteer to handle the organization and
Please post your plans indicating whether you are full time or part time to
the MRRC and NCC reflectors and I will put together teams and register them
prior to the start of the contest. And make sure you send in your results.
FYI, the NAQP runs from 1800Z Saturday August 7 until 0600Z Sunday August 8
(2 PM Sat until 2 AM Sun EDST). Work 10 out of the 12 hours of the contest
period. 100W maximum power. See http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.pdf for
full rules.
The NAQP CW contests are held twice per year (January and August). They are
active contests with even small stations able to work more than 700-800
contacts and the top scoring stations making well over 1,000 contacts in the
August version and over 1300 contacts in the January version. The fun and
challenging part is
that your final multiplier is the sum of all mults worked on six bands. In
our part of the country, it's usually best to take your time offs during the
first 6-7 hours of the contest and operate the last 4 or so hours straight
through if you can, switching among 40, 80 and 160.
In August, 2009 MRRC fielded two teams which came in 12th and 55th out of 56
teams. In January, 2010 MRRC and NCC got together to enter two teams which
came in 18th and 42nd out of 85 teams.
MRRC and NCC combined have, what, over 100 members? We have some of the top
ops in the country. Can't we put together at least one team that can make
the top ten?
Make your plans now!
Hal W1NN
----- Original Message -----
From: <Jimk8mr at aol.com>
To: <mrrc at contesting.com>; <ncc at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:28 PM
Subject: [NCC] NAQP Teams
> Anyone like to be the organizer of teams for the NAQP CW coming up this
> Saturday?
> I'd volunteer except that I will be out of town for an engagement party
> for
> my older daughter. I might take along the rig and a couple of hamsticks
> and try to make a few qsos if there is some free time in the afternoon,
> but I
> won't be on much and won't be able to do the last minute registering,
> etc.
> 73 - Jim K8MR
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