[NCC] Nice announcement today! Digital Warriors!

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Fri Aug 6 13:08:21 PDT 2010

This will be my first time operating any from home, and I'm open for 
suggestions on what to take, gear to pack, etc, as well as what not to take.

Jamie WW3S

On 8/5/2010 9:31:06 AM, Tim Duffy K3LR (k3lr at k3lr.com) wrote:
> WW3S and ND8L will be at VP9GE's QTH in Bermuda for the CQWW RTTY, 
> September
> 25-26, signing VP9I in the contest.  QSL to N1HRA.  Before and after the
> RTTY event they will sign VP9/WW3S and VP9/ND8L.  For those, QSL to the
> respective home callsigns.
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