[NCC] CQ WW 160 scores update and ARRL DX addon

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Fri Feb 12 10:40:16 PST 2010

Here is the latest list of scores and logs turned in (# after call)- we have 
almost all logs in so keep it up!

Don't foget to post ur plans for ARRL CW. I will be at K8AZ for the duration 
looking forward to passing mults and running with 'da guys'

Haranguing for 160 SSB will start after the dust settles from ARRL CW!!!

N8TR SOA                     398,145
N3SD SOLP                     10,397
N8BC (K8BL) SOLP      44,367 #
WT8C SOLP                    45,567 #
K8BL SOLP                   186,004 #
K8LN SOHP                  113,388 #
W3USA (K8MR) SOHP184,950 #
W8CAR SOHP               356,076 #
W8KEN SOHP               116,150 #
ND8L    SOAHP               15,410 #
K8LY    SOLP                  18,952 #
PJ2T   MOHP                 973,760  (one half of total)W8WTS and K8ND OPS
K8PP      SOHP                 13,140 #
AC8E      SOAHP             43,164 #
KK8D      SOAHP            25,627 #
WB8K     SOAHP           161,616 #
W8VE     SOQRP              15,826 #
WW3S   SOPT                   33,700

total    CW                          2,756,239 !! (WOW!)

Dan W8CAR 160 whipper guy

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