[NCC] 2010 ARRL CW DX Contest

WB8K wb8k at att.net
Fri Feb 12 22:36:13 PST 2010

It's coming up fast  and after doing a bit of research it's pretty 
obvious that we need a lot more participation. I was able to pull some 
stats covering the past five years and it was quite interesting. The 
same 'few' calls come up year after year.
It seems our yearly average over the past five years is a mere seven NCC 
entries per year and yet we did quite well in the standings. Just think 
what we can do if every member contributed a score, they all add up.

This years participation in the 160 contest was a banner year for NCC - 
no doubt the whipping & prodding by Dan W8CAR had a lot to do with it.
What's more interesting is that not everyone is equipped for 160 and yet 
we had a very good turn out. We are all pretty  much are equipped for 80 
- 10  and there are at least 18 members that can operate on 160 so lets 
make a concerted effort to improve our activity, and, after the contest 
be sure to send in you log and list NCC as you club affiliation. We have 
even has some solar activity so we might be in for some surprises.

See the attached spread sheet for the  stats.

73 & good luck in the contest -

Denny WB8K

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