WB8K wb8k at att.net
Fri Feb 19 11:22:58 PST 2010

Contest time is here & it appears we should have improved conditions 
over what we have seen during the past few years. We have spots again.
Latest predictions include solar flux numbers in the mid 80's with  
unsettled to quiet conditions. During the past couple of weeks there 
have been  an increasing  number of dx openings on the higher bands.
Most notably, there have been a number of good conditions to Europe & 
the pacific on 15, 12 & 10 meters. Although I suspect 20 & 40 will be 
the bread winners 15 & 10 bear close watching during the contest.
Hopefully the improved conditions will bring out additional participation.

73 & good luck in the contest.

Denny  WB8K

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