[NCC] arrl dx score

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Sun Feb 21 18:41:49 PST 2010


1415 q x 296 mults....( a few dupes in there)

just missed my best ever....this is my most qso total however, but short on
mults...also my highest ever band total, 671 on 20m....a good effort I
guess, but I feel I left a lot on the table on 40m....never did get any runs
going there...and as usual pooped out too early....really gotta get those
phased verticals up for 40....and figure out some sort of sleep strategy....

SOLP All Bands

160    19/18
80      73/42
40     147/57
20      671/84
15      469/77
10       36/18

73, Jamie WW3S

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