[NCC] DL0MB Results

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Tue Feb 23 01:05:23 PST 2010

Here are the numbers from my operation at DL0MB:  

2607 QSOs
231 Mults
1,803,879 points

What a blast.  Sure a lot different from doing this contest SB 40 from Japan.  Fabulous opening on 15 but nil on 10.  I checked 10 many times but never even heard a EU station calling CQ.  I was surprised to see so many NA stations with pretty good mults on 10.  Nice to make 5 bands with K3LR, K8AZ, N8TR (I think) and a several bands with lots of members.  

I will post more details on 3830 after I get back to Japan. 


Hal W1NN 


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