[NCC] Updated ARRL DX CW scores

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Sun Feb 28 07:22:24 PST 2010

These scores were pulled from the 3830 reflector and NCC reflector. If I
missed you post on NCC so I can add you to the list. 

W3IQ                                                        494,721
K8CX                                                         50,808
K8YM (ND8L)                                       337,344
K8LN                                                         47,736
K3LR                      8839   602    48 15,963,234 NCC
K3CR(LZ4AX)       4397   426    45  5,618,088 NCC

W8WTS                           53    45   1.5      7,155 NCC
N8TR                      1381   442    35  1,831,206 NCC
W3IQ                            753   219          494,721 NCC
KK8D                          215   133     6     85,386 NCC
K8LN                           153   104     4     47,736 NCC
K8BL                         400   246    10    295,200 NCC
K8LY                   359 1077 3.0 160 = 172,320
W8KEN                                                  227,535
WW3S                                                 1,256,520
WB8K                                                       27,390
K8AZ                                                   9,246,720

TOTAL CW scores so far-----36,203,820!!!!!!

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